Suzhou Electric Appliance Research Institute
期刊號: CN32-1800/TM| ISSN1007-3175

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來源:電工電氣發(fā)布時間:2018-01-22 12:22 瀏覽次數(shù):780
(1 南京合智電力科技有限公司,江蘇 南京 210028;2 國網(wǎng)福建電力調(diào)度控制中心,福建 福州 350003;
3 南京磐能電力科技股份有限公司,江蘇 南京 210031)
    摘 要:正序極化電壓距離繼電器因其極化電壓構(gòu)成復雜,在阻抗平面定量分析其動作行為長期以來一直是個難題。提出了以一種利用故障分量實時計算獲取系統(tǒng)阻抗,基于阻抗平面定量分析正序極化電壓距離保護動作行為的方法。推導了距離比相公式的阻抗解析表達,代入電流電壓突變量計算獲得的系統(tǒng)阻抗,使在阻抗平面上定量分析正序極化電壓距離繼電器的動作行為變成可能。以PSCAD構(gòu)建了正反方向出口故障算例兩側(cè),比較了兩種不同極化電壓距離保護的動作情況,驗證了正序極化電壓優(yōu)于母線極化電壓這一事實。
    中圖分類號:TM773     文獻標識碼:A     文章編號:1007-3175(2018)01-0032-06
Analysis of Distance Relay Using Positive-Sequence Polarizing Voltage on the Impedance Plane
FENG Chang1, HUANG Jian-hong2, CHEN Yong1, LU Shuai3, LI Feng3
(1 Nanjing HZ-IEDS Electric Co., Ltd, Nangjing 210028, China; 2 State Grid Fujian Electric Power Dispatch and Control Center, Fuzhou 350003, China;
3 Nanjing PANENG Technology Development Co., Ltd, Nangjing 210031, China)
    Abstract: Since the composition of polarizing quantity for a positive-sequence voltage polarized distance relay is complex, analysis of its actual behavior in quantity on impedance plane has long been a puzzle to relay engineers. This essay proposes a method to analyze actual behavior of positive-sequence voltage polarized distance relay in quantity on the impedance plane by using fault compoent to obtain impedance calculated in real time. Firstly this essay infers the analytical representation of phase-comparing equation of the distance relay. Secondly the system impedance calculated is substituted into the equation, which makes it become true to analyze the behavior of a positive-sequence voltage polarized distance relay on the impedance plane. Finally two calculating examples of forward/backward fault on the bus are constructed with PSCAD and behaviors of two different kinds of quantity polarized distance relays are compared. The fact is confirmed that the positive-sequence polarized distance relay excels the self-polarized one.
    Key words: distance relay; positive-sequence polarizing voltage; impedance plane; voltage plane; fault components
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