Suzhou Electric Appliance Research Institute
期刊號(hào): CN32-1800/TM| ISSN1007-3175

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來源:電工電氣發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-04-19 09:19 瀏覽次數(shù):621
(國(guó)網(wǎng)安徽省電力有限公司蕪湖供電公司,安徽 蕪湖 241000)
    摘 要:配電網(wǎng)臺(tái)區(qū)低壓損耗通常只有定性分析,沒有定量計(jì)算,無法準(zhǔn)確指導(dǎo)配變臺(tái)區(qū)改造工作。分析了配電網(wǎng)臺(tái)區(qū)低壓損耗的原因,給出了在工程實(shí)際中的低壓損耗計(jì)算方法。通過實(shí)例計(jì)算可知,配變低壓損耗率呈現(xiàn)先下降再上升的走勢(shì),說明配變臺(tái)區(qū)在變壓器輕載和重載的情況下總損耗均偏高。指出在對(duì)配電網(wǎng)臺(tái)區(qū)進(jìn)行改造時(shí),配變?nèi)萘?、低壓?dǎo)線型號(hào)的選擇要與負(fù)荷需求相匹配,避免配變?nèi)萘窟^大或過小,造成配電網(wǎng)資源的浪費(fèi)。
    中圖分類號(hào):TM727     文獻(xiàn)標(biāo)識(shí)碼:A     文章編號(hào):1007-3175(2018)04-0024-04
Analysis and Calculation of Low Voltage Loss of Distribution Network Courts
YANG Le-xin, YIN Cheng, DU Li, LI Pei, SUN Zhe-lin
(Wuhu Power Supply Company, State Grid Anhui Electric Power Limited Company, Wuhu 241000, China)
    Abstract: The low voltage loss of distribution network courts are usually with only qualitative analysis but quantitative calculation, which can not accurately guide the reconstruction work of distribution network courts. This paper analyzed the reason of low pressure loss distribution network courts and gave the calculation method of low pressure loss in engineering practice. The living example calculation shows that the low pressure loss rate of distribution transformer declines at first and has the rising trend later, which means that the total loss of the transformer is high when the transformer is with both light load and heavy load. It is pointed out that when the distribution network court is carried out transformation, the selection of distribution transformer capacity and low voltage conductor type should be matched with the load demand to avoid too big or too small of distribution transformer capacity, so as to lead to the waste of distribution network resources.
    Key words: distribution network; courts; low voltage loss; calculation
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