Suzhou Electric Appliance Research Institute
期刊號: CN32-1800/TM| ISSN1007-3175

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來源:電工電氣發(fā)布時間:2019-09-19 10:19 瀏覽次數:622
(國網山東省電力公司檢修公司,山東 濟南 250018)
    摘 要:為了提高斷路器三相不一致保護的動作可靠性,從斷路器本體三相不一致保護和微機三相不一致保護的原理構成、存在的問題等入手,分析了導致三相不一致保護不正確動作的因素,并結合以上兩種三相不一致保護的優(yōu)點,提出一種新型三相不一致保護控制回路, 該保護控制回路增加了繼電器和觸點的數目并改變了原有的拓撲結構。對比傳統三相不一致控制回路中存在的器件易老化、時間繼電器可靠性差等不足, 該回路具有對器件依賴性低、防老化性能更好、可靠性更高的特點。
    中圖分類號:TM561     文獻標識碼:A     文章編號:1007-3175(2019)09-0036-03
Reliability Analysis and Improvement Measures of Three-Phase Inconsistent Protection for Circuit Breakers
LI Qing-quan, HU Yun-long, CHANG Gao-song, FENG Zhi-hai
(State Grid Shandong Power Supply Maintenance Company, Jinan 250018, China)
    Abstract: In order to improve the operational reliability of three-phase inconsistent protection of circuit breaker, starting with the principle and problems of three-phase inconsistent protection of circuit breaker, this paper analyzed the factors leading to incorrect operation of threephase inconsistent protection. Combining with the above two kinds of three-phase inconsistent protection advantages, this paper proposed a kind of new type three-phase inconsistent protection control loop, which increased the number of relays and contactors and changed the original topological structure. Compared with the insufficiencies of easily aged devices, low reliable relays in the traditional three-phase inconsistent control loop, this control loop has the characteristics of low dependency of devices, better anti-aged performance and high reliability.
    Key words: circuit breaker; three-phase inconsistency; ontological protection; microcomputer protection
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