Suzhou Electric Appliance Research Institute
期刊號(hào): CN32-1800/TM| ISSN1007-3175

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來(lái)源:電工電氣發(fā)布時(shí)間:2022-04-20 10:20 瀏覽次數(shù):503


(中國(guó)能源建設(shè)集團(tuán)江蘇省電力設(shè)計(jì)院有限公司,江蘇 南京 211102)
    摘 要:目前風(fēng)電開發(fā)與生態(tài)環(huán)境保護(hù)的矛盾日益尖銳,阻礙了風(fēng)電產(chǎn)業(yè)的持續(xù)健康發(fā)展。采用基于線性模式和 CFD 模式的常用商業(yè)軟件,對(duì)同一種風(fēng)機(jī)排布方案進(jìn)行了發(fā)電量計(jì)算比對(duì),旨在找到線性模式和 CFD 模式之間的差異,為實(shí)際工程中的風(fēng)電場(chǎng)產(chǎn)能精細(xì)化評(píng)估提供參考。以典型丘陵風(fēng)電項(xiàng)目——江蘇某風(fēng)電場(chǎng)為例,運(yùn)用三款基于不同發(fā)電量計(jì)算模型的風(fēng)資源評(píng)估軟件 WAsP、Meteodyn WT 和 WindSim,對(duì)其進(jìn)行建模對(duì)比計(jì)算,在建設(shè)過(guò)程中,為了減少地表擾動(dòng)和植被破壞造成的負(fù)面影響,對(duì)原風(fēng)機(jī)布置方案進(jìn)行重新優(yōu)選,避免大面積土石方開挖,有效保護(hù)了植被,促進(jìn)了風(fēng)電產(chǎn)業(yè)的發(fā)展。
    關(guān)鍵詞:風(fēng)電場(chǎng);線性模式;CFD 模式;環(huán)境保護(hù);發(fā)電量
    中圖分類號(hào):TM614 ;TM715     文獻(xiàn)標(biāo)識(shí)碼:B     文章編號(hào):1007-3175(2022)04-0062-05
An Evaluation of the Fan Layout Optimization and the Refined
Productivity of a Wind Farm in Jiangsu Province
FENG Hao, PENG Xiu-fang, XIANG Wen, WU Zhe-pan, SHI Chen
(China Energy Engineering Group Jiangsu Power Design Institute Co., Ltd, Nanjing 211102, China)
    Abstract: The contradiction between wind power development and environmental protection is becoming increasingly acute. It hinders the sustainable and healthy development of the wind power industry. This paper used commercial software based on the linear model and the CFD model to calculate and compare the energy yield of the same fan arrangement scheme. So that, it could figure out the difference between the linear model and the CFD model and provide a reference for the refined evaluation of wind farm productivity in practical projects. This paper took a typical hilly wind power project—a wind farm in Jiangsu as an example. Three wind resource evaluation software WAsP, Meteodyn WT, and WindSim were used to build models, and the relative parameter was calculated comparatively. To reduce the negative impact caused by surface disturbance and vegetation destruction during the construction process, the layout scheme of the original wind turbine was re-optimized. The new plan avoids the large area of earthwork excavation, effectively protects the vegetation, promotes the sustainable and healthy development of the wind power industry.
    Key words: wind farm; linear model; CFD model; environmental protection; power generation
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