Suzhou Electric Appliance Research Institute
期刊號(hào): CN32-1800/TM| ISSN1007-3175

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來(lái)源:電工電氣發(fā)布時(shí)間:2023-08-28 10:28 瀏覽次數(shù):227


(浙江省送變電工程有限公司,浙江 杭州 310020)
    摘 要:針對(duì)電網(wǎng)短路電流超標(biāo)的問(wèn)題,結(jié)合天一變 220 kV 正母分段改造的工程實(shí)際提出了一種柔性限流控制技術(shù)。該技術(shù)主要基于高速開(kāi)斷技術(shù),實(shí)現(xiàn)動(dòng)態(tài)調(diào)整系統(tǒng)拓?fù)?,達(dá)到降低短路電流的目的。闡述了構(gòu)成柔性限流控制技術(shù)的快速保護(hù)裝置和快速開(kāi)關(guān)的原理,給出了工程現(xiàn)場(chǎng)的應(yīng)用及組網(wǎng)方式,并通過(guò)兩次人工短路試驗(yàn)測(cè)試快速開(kāi)關(guān)與常規(guī)開(kāi)關(guān)動(dòng)作的時(shí)序和對(duì)短路電流的抑制效果,論證了柔性限流控制技術(shù)在工程上應(yīng)用的可行性。
    關(guān)鍵詞: 柔性限流控制技術(shù);高速開(kāi)斷技術(shù);斥力機(jī)構(gòu);人工短路試驗(yàn);電流瞬時(shí)采樣值
    中圖分類(lèi)號(hào):TM721.2 ;TM771     文獻(xiàn)標(biāo)識(shí)碼:B     文章編號(hào):1007-3175(2023)08-0035-07
Research and Engineering Application of Flexible
Current Limiting Control Technology
WANG Tao-tao, LIU Ye-jie, QIAN En-liang, SHAO Kun-xia, XU Bang-kai
(Zhejiang Electric Transmission & Transformation Engineering Co., Ltd, Hangzhou 310020, China)
    Abstract: Aiming at the problem of short-circuit current exceeding the standard, a flexible current limiting control technology is proposed based on the practical engineering of 220 kV bus section breaker of Tianyi transformer substation. This technology, mainly based on high-speed interruption technology, can dynamically adjust the system topology to reduce short-circuit current. In this paper, the principle of fast protection and fast switching of flexible current limiting control technology is expounded, and the application and networking mode of engineering field are given. The time sequence of fast switching and conventional switching action and the suppression of short circuit current are tested by two artificial short circuit tests, and the feasibility of flexible current limiting control technology in engineering application is verified.
    Key words: flexible current limiting control technology; high speed interruption technology; repulsion agencies; artificial short circuit test;current instantaneous sample value
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